Spot and Stain Removal
Delicate and fine carpets and upholstery require expert knowledge, trusted providers, and proven, safe products- all of which are available through Roto-Static. For occasional use in-between cleaning appointments, Roto-Static has a range of professionally formulated and high-performance cleaning products available for you to use. They’re available in convenient sizes and are great to keep on hand.
Immediate spot removal is imperative to a clean carpet. A good carpet cleaner must take great care in how to perform spot cleaning. When a carpet is new or has sufficient protector on it, plain tap water will remove most spots; however, you must use a spot cleaner for those spots that will not remove easily with water. Select a spot cleaner that is recommended by either the carpet retailer or your trained professional cleaner. Most spot removers that are purchased over-the-counter leave too much soap residue and can cause yellowing. Avoid using foam carpet cleaners or any non carpet cleaning products.
Apply spot cleaner sparingly to a white terry cloth, and gently massage spot, causing it to transfer onto the cloth. Never pour cleaner directly onto the carpet. If the product you are using seems to cause the spot to re-soil after a few weeks, discontinue its use. Any spot that you cannot remove, and for pet urine or feces, call your professional cleaner immediately.